General Information
Average seasonal accumulated precipitation (inches) for 1981-2010 for winter (top left), spring (top right), summer (bottom left), and fall (bottom right) for the Midwest region. Average winter (December-February) precipitation is lowest in the northwest (less than 2 inches) and increases to the south and east, with southern Missouri experiencing more than 12 inches. Average spring (March-May) precipitation is lowest in the northwest (less than 6 inches) and increases to the south and east, with southern Missouri experiencing more than 16 inches. Average summer (June-August) precipitation is highest (more than 13 inches) in west-central sections, while less than 11 inches falls in extreme southern and northeastern sections. Average fall (September-November) precipitation is lowest in the northwest (less than 6 inches) and increases to the south and east, with southern Missouri experiencing more than 12 inches Data from the Midwestern Regional Climate Center, Illinois State Water Survey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
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