Simulated difference in the mean annual length of the freeze-free season
Simulated difference in the mean annual length of the freeze-free season for the Northeast region, for the 2041-2070 time period with respect to the reference period of 1980-2000 (top). Color with hatching (category 3) indicates that more than 50% of the models show a statistically significant change in the length of the freeze-free season, and more than 67% agree on the sign of the change (see text). Annual mean length of the freeze-free season for the 1980-2000 reference period (bottom left). Simulated mean annual length of the freeze-free season for the 2041-2070 future time period (bottom right). These are multi-model means from 8 NARCCAP regional climate simulations for the high (A2) emissions scenario. Note that top and bottom color scales are different. The length of the freeze-free season is simulated to increase throughout the region, with changes mostly in the 23-27 day range.
Mean annual difference in the length of the freeze-free season (number of days / year), Mean annual length of the freeze-free season ( number of days / year)
1980-01-01 00:00:00.0
2070-12-31 00:00:00.0
Northeast, Simulated, NARCCAP, Temperature
Dataset #1
North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)