Image Metadata File

Person Submitting Metadata/Point of Contact:

Name: Laura Stevens
Physical Address: 151 Patton Ave Asheville, NC 28801
Organization: CICSNC

Image Info:

Image Title:
Trends in temperature and precipitation anomaly
Image Description:
1895-2011 trends in temperature anomaly (°F/decade) and precipitation anomaly (inches/decade) based on a new gridded version of COOP data from the National Climatic Data Center, the CDDv2 data set (R. Vose, personal communication, July 27, 2012) for the Northeast U.S., for each season as well as the year as a whole. Only values statistically significant at the 95% confidence level are displayed. Statistical significance of trends was assessed using Kendall’s tau coefficient. The test using tau is a non-parametric hypothesis test.
Attributes (variables name, description and units):
Temperature anomaly (deg F / decade), Precipitation anomaly ( inches / decade)
Temporal domain:
Start Time: 1895-01-01 00:00:00.0
End Time: 2011-12-31 00:00:00.0
Spatial domain:
Max latitude: 47.4375
Min latitude: 37.3125
Max longitude: -67.0625
Min longitude: -82.5625
Northeast, Observed, CDDv2, Temperature, Precipitation
Usage Limitations/Constraints:
Citation of image source:

Image Creation:

Who created the image:
Name: Laura Stevens
Physical Address: 151 Patton Ave Asheville, NC 28801
Organization: CICSNC
When was image created (YYYY-MM-DD):

Data Sources:

Dataset #1
Dataset Name: CDDv2
Dataset Version: 2 beta
Dataset Description: Climate Division Database version 2
Dataset ID:
Dataset Release/Publication Date:
Affiliated Organization Name and Role: NOAA/NCDC
Date Accessed: 2011-06-06 00:00:00.0
Dataset Location (ftp, URL, etc): ftp://ncdcftp/pub/upload/7days
Data qualifier (QA/QC, etc): QA for all elements...
The denominator of the scale of the source/output: N/A
Spatial Reference system used by the source/output: Geographic coordinates (lat/lon)
Citation to metadata:
Description of the scope of a resource, quality report, or process:
Spatial Extent of the source/output (polygon, box or region name): Conterminous U.S.
Temporal extent of the source/output: 1895-01-01 to present
Vertical extent of the source/output: Surface
Identifier of the processing level of the source/input:
Spatial resolution of the source/output: 5 km

