Image Metadata File
Person Submitting Metadata/Point of Contact:
Laura Stevens
151 Patton Ave
Asheville, NC 28801
Image Info:
Hydrographs of lake levels for each of the Great Lakes
Hydrographs of lake levels for each of the Great Lakes from 1860 to 2010. The linear trend of the lake level time series are shown by the straight black lines. Some fluctuations are noted across the lakes while other variability is specific to a particular lake. Data from the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (NOAA GLERL 2012). The trend for Michigan-Huron is downward and statistically significant.
Great Lakes, Observed, Lakes, Water Level
Panels within image: 4
Image Creation:
When was image created (YYYY-MM-DD):
Data Sources:
Dataset #1
GLERL Great Lakes Monthly Hydrologic Data
NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory